Property management presents significant challenges. Things break, things need to be maintained and you need to find a trusty worthy contractor who is not going to charge you and arm and a leg
for services.
Imagine a situation where your property mangament company also was your facility services company and all of your maintenance and cleaning services were provided in house. No middle man charge,
no middle communication, a direct line to the contractor every time all the time.
PHC offers professional property management services throughout Newton Massachusetts. Our property management services accommodate to both residential and commercial properties alike. What makes our property management services unique is that we are a full service provider.
Unlike other property management companies in Waltham Massachusetts, PHC is a full service company where 90% of the services needed for your property will be provided in-house by PHC Cleaners. We do not contract out our services unless such services are not provided by our company. At the end of the day this saves our clients time, money and the hassle.